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The Scottish Play by myself, Jonathan Loy.
The hunters are transported to a mystical island and are hunted by a creature known as the Watchmen!
The group is made aware of a local theater company experiencing a series of unfortunate events while they are staging Macbeth. During rehersal Erick Pinkard, the actor playing Banquo, is murdered during the scene when the three murders confront and kill Banquo. The hunters discover that the actor normally playing the Third Murderer was not present as he was in the hospital due to a sprained ankle suffered during rehearsal.
Suspicious, Tucloc asks his spooky boss what is going on. His handler says he's got a bunch of things going on so he can't pinpoint it out of the blue and needs some context. They go back and forth and Tucloc's handler tells him it is a demon who consistently convinces witches to curse productions of Macbeth for having felt slighted by Shakespeare. The handler warns Tucloc to not interfere or fight the demon as that would go bad for Tucloc and his handler.
The group heads to the theater and talk with the theater manager while posings as new stage hands working for Stella Lattimore.
MC Note:Choosing Stella as a name was a bad choice as it lead to a series of references to the famous yell from Brando in a A Streetcar Named Desire.
The group heads into the auditorium without a concern for making noise. In retaliation, the stage director starts chucking a near endless series of shoes at the hunters. The pay off here was when the group finally talks to the director they see the row he occupies is lined with shoes for throwing.
The hunters interview Stella, then the actor, Joshua Shoemaker, who was supposed to be the third murderer. Felix climbs up to the catwalk and find a hex bag. Felix, the Expert, identifies the hex bag as being an item used by witches to curse a place. Jack takes a long think and then draws a pentagram on the map in hopes of finding the remaining hex bags. However Jack, the Mundane, forgets to turn the pentagram upside down like all metal heads would have done in his place. He has the correct idea, but the wrong placement so it takes longer to find the bags than they hoped. MC Note:The hex bags were just placed randomly when I created the mystery. However the player coming up with the pentagram idea was so awesome that I had to incorporate it, but with a twist.
Marty, the drug-addled Divine, has a chat with the director and finds a hex bag and a shit ton of shoes. During the conversation with Marty the director mutters Macbeth under his breath, and a giant cauldron falls from the lights to crush Stella to death. Cue more Stella yells!
Marty, in desparate need of a calming influence after the latest death, contacts his Wiccian weed heads score some of the devil's lettuce. It happens to be that the same group is also the ones who placed the hex bags in the theater. MC Note: I don't remember the connection, but I think it was a note using the same flyer paper for the death threats and something Marty got from his dealer the last time he talked to her.
The group heads to the community center. Jack and Felix try to talk to the Wiccians. Marty is trying to glean info from the buyer, and Tucloc is off hunting someone he has never seen before. Eventually shit gets real and they find themselves confronting a real, no kidding demon. Things don't go well. Tucloc is being played with as the demon wants the hexbags back. Jack somehow has them in his backpack and like a badass bursts through the glass windows to run to safety. The group not knowing what to do acts independently with some acting the demon, while Tucloc still tries to plead for merch. Tucloc has the great idea to call Jack to come back with the hexbags to make it all ok. Unbeknownest to everyone Jack really didn't run away and was outside the window. He takes a shot with a spicy water gun to no avail. In return the demon chucks a spear it summoned out of nowhere into his thigh pinning Jack to the ground. Marty manages to slice of a forearm of the demon before getting slugged in the jaw and sent flying into the wall. Tucloc makes a split second decision to telekinetically pull the hexbags that fell out from Jack's bag over to the demon. She picks them up and disappears.
Oh yeah, Marty was told to kill the demon and him and Tucloc had strong words after the demon disappeared. Jack took a deck of cards he found in Felix's lair. Totally nothing strange about those deck of cards. Felix is an amateur thespian, and Tucloc is a pretend stage designer. The group did a lot of vamping while trying to distract the demon, with only two of them knowing it was a demon, so that Marty could have time to pull the sword from his chest. Maybe he needs a new fireproof place to store the sword.